Travel-Dealz as an App

You want to have Travel-Dealz as an app on your home screen, to check the latest deals with a single click? You don’t even have to download an app. is now available as a progressive web app (PWA)!


We sadly can no longer update the iOS and Android app, and have therefore removed both apps from the App Store and from Google Play. As an alternative for that app-feeling, we offer you this progressive web app!

Simply enter this URL on Safari/Chrome:

As a replacement for the push notifications for breaking deals, please use our Telegram-Bot. There you can get notifications for other tags, such as BUSINESS CLASS+USA. Additionally, you will obviously still receive the email-newsletter (including breaking deals) if you want.

For questions and problems, write an email to:

The progressive web app basically is our website, but does feel more like an app. There’s an in-app browser for external links and you can continue to browse through (some of) Travel-Dealz offline.

Installing it

You can install the progressive web app with three clicks on your smartphone:

iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)

  1. Click on Safari’s share-button
  2. Select Add to Home Screen
  3. Then click on Add
  4. You’ll now see the Travel-Dealz logo on your home screen

Android (Chrome)

  1. Simply click on the menu-button of your browser
  2. Select Add to Home screen (name might differ slightly)
  3. Then simply click on Add.
  4. From now on you’ll find Travel-Dealz on your home screen

Missing Features

Sadly, progressive web apps (for now) don’t offer all the features of our former apps:

  • No push notifications (iOS/Android): Sadly PWAs don’t offer push notifications (at least under iOS), e.g. for breaking deals. We will try to at least get this feature running for Android.
    The best way to get push notifications is our Telegram Bot! Not only can you get notified for breaking deals, but can also get notified for deals with specific tags, e.g. BUSINESS CLASS+USA for all business class deals to the USA.
  • In-app browser (iOS): Sadly, you can’t leave the in-app browser in iOS to open the site in, e.g., Safari. Apple will have to solve that problem-
